Memoria Stoica/Vetro
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.00
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 4:09 a.m.
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Drops of slime big as pi-es
stain e-very sin-gle day of your saint's life
con-se-cu-tion of all the sin you've been put in-side,
my beau-ti-ful star
Wake up to-ge-ther,
to-ge-ther we will take the shame from you a-way
wake up to-ge-ther,
to-ge-ther we will take the shame from you a-way
wake up to-ge-ther,
to-ge-ther we will take the shame,
to-ge-ther we will take the shame,
to-ge-ther we will take the shame from you
E c'e-ra co-me un ru-mo-re di ve-tro_in-fran-to
ed u-na sen-sa-zio-ne di_al-le-gria som-ma-ria
noi e-ra-va-mo fo-glie_in quell' Au-tun-no stra-no
e sen-za ca-pir per-ch� ci siam sfio-ra-ti pia-no
E c'e-ra co-me un ru-mo-re di bam-bi-ni
noi co-me gli_al-tri sen-za di-re-zio-ne_al-cu-na--
d'un trat-to quell' Au-tun-no di-ven-t� l'Es-ta-te
u-no scon-quas-so, cad-di_e per-si la tua ma-no
Wake up to-ge-ther,
to-ge-ther we will take the shame from you a-way
wake up to-ge-ther,
to-ge-ther we will take the shame from you a-way
wake up to-ge-ther,
to-ge-ther we will take the shame from you,
to-ge-ther we will take the shame from you,
to-ge-ther we will take the shame from you